Georgia Tech Supps!!

Last YT video of the year!! Here are the tips you need to write amazing GTech essays!!

Essay break down -

Georgia Tech Supplemental Essays (THAT GET ACCEPTED!!)// Georgia tech supplemental essays that get accepted are ones that can show how the students fits into their school. Georgia tech supplemental essays are really just one hallmark essay on why you are pursuing your major at Georgia tech. Therefore, georgia tech essays must share a bit about your passion for the field while good georgia tech why us essay should also do a little why us. Georgia tech supplemental essays how to write them is a question I get asked a lot. First for any why georgia tech essay or why Michigan essay or even why nyu essay, you should start with research. In this video, Dr. Josie from Write Your Acceptance will get into the steps you need to take to research a successful why us essay. Georgia tech university wants to know that you want to attend their institution beyond their brand name. Stories on how I got into Georgia tech usually express a concerted interest for the school beyond the brand. Once you have this why us college essay, then we can talk about how to recycle the why us essay examples so you save time and effort. Why us college essay examples should be more like a why college essay template so you can swap in and out school specific information. For more on why this college essay especially why us Michigan and nyu essay, check out a few other videos on the WYA channel.


Do you know what the Big Five are to make sure you have a well-balanced and competitive application? From cultural awareness to diversity and leadership…ALL apps should have a combo of these BIG 5 elements to be as competitive as possible. In today’s video, I break down the UT Austin essays…while delving into these MUST elements no matter where you are applying. 

UT Austin Essays Guide (DON'T MAKE THESE CRUCIAL MISTAKES!!)// UT austin essays guide don’t make these crucial mistakes is a highly anticipated video. UT austin essays are very specific and yet cover the big five dimensions you need in your app. Why this college essay is one of the UT Austin admission that you want to pay close attention to. Whether you are to apply Texas or use the coalition application, the UT Austin supplemental essays are you mic in hand moment. In this video I over all you need to know about the UT Austin essay prompts and offer you UT Austin essay examples to get you started. Remember that the UT Austin common app is actually a recyclable essay; therefore, the first main supplemental essay could be your common app essay while the other UT Austin supplemental essays 2021 will focus on why us and leadership. With our UT Austin short answer examples along with the UT Austin statement of purpose, you should be able to call yourself a longhorn in no time. Pay close attention to the University of Texas Austin common app tips and make sure not to go over the UT Austin essay word limit and you should be good to go. Also remember that once you write one why us essay for UT Austin you can start recycling the info for others like the why nyu essay, rice application essays, for example. With Write Your Acceptance, let’s write your admission to UT and others.

Why Us and Why Most Students Mess UP!!

Today I am starting a quick series of supplemental essays for college apps. in today’s video you get updated why us tips and examples that will help you elevate your why us supps. Don’t miss the four tips that you NEED to cover to make yours stand out.


The why us essay and why most students mess up is a typical red flag for application. The why us essay is a top tier writing supplement and therefore, researching the right why us essay examples will save you a lot of time and grief. In this video, we will review the why us college essay, how not all why us college essay examples are created equal and how you can stand out with tips from Write Your Acceptance. Whether it is your why usc essay or why nyu essays, let’s start outlining your why is template. So once you figure out how to write a why us college essay, the rest of your why Columbia essay and boston university why us essay to name a couple will go that much faster. The best advice from an ordering perspective is to go with the longest which at times is the why Tulane essay. Remember this essay is not about the weather, this why essay is specifically asking you why us, which means how do you see yourself living and learning at their campus. Why this college essay should cover a lot about them, more so that other writing supplements that ask more about your identity and obstacles. No matter the question though writing supplemental essays like why tufts and even the brown plme should be their specifics with you sprinkled in. For example the why tufts essay should name a class and student club maybe linked to something you have already pursued and how you will continue it at their institution. Stick around to Write Your Acceptance!

College Essay Cliches to AVOID (or Else!!!)

Not sure about you, but I am having some serious long weekend blues, wishing the alarm clock could have waited just another day AT LEAST!   

Instead I hope this video and my MOMO tribute will lighten your mood.

Do you remember MOMO - the creepy ghost sent from the Youtube Matrix to get all our children? SNL has bok bok...

Anyways when I get a little cabin fever recording this is what happens...a MOMO impersonation. Hope you enjoy!!! 

SO - for my Juniors soon to be Seniors - WHY WE ARE HERE - today's video will share the pitfalls you want to AVOID when writing the oh so important college essay. Arming yourself with what not to do will ensure you start on the right path.

Happy Writing!!!