Do you know what the Big Five are to make sure you have a well-balanced and competitive application? From cultural awareness to diversity and leadership…ALL apps should have a combo of these BIG 5 elements to be as competitive as possible. In today’s video, I break down the UT Austin essays…while delving into these MUST elements no matter where you are applying. 

UT Austin Essays Guide (DON'T MAKE THESE CRUCIAL MISTAKES!!)// UT austin essays guide don’t make these crucial mistakes is a highly anticipated video. UT austin essays are very specific and yet cover the big five dimensions you need in your app. Why this college essay is one of the UT Austin admission that you want to pay close attention to. Whether you are to apply Texas or use the coalition application, the UT Austin supplemental essays are you mic in hand moment. In this video I over all you need to know about the UT Austin essay prompts and offer you UT Austin essay examples to get you started. Remember that the UT Austin common app is actually a recyclable essay; therefore, the first main supplemental essay could be your common app essay while the other UT Austin supplemental essays 2021 will focus on why us and leadership. With our UT Austin short answer examples along with the UT Austin statement of purpose, you should be able to call yourself a longhorn in no time. Pay close attention to the University of Texas Austin common app tips and make sure not to go over the UT Austin essay word limit and you should be good to go. Also remember that once you write one why us essay for UT Austin you can start recycling the info for others like the why nyu essay, rice application essays, for example. With Write Your Acceptance, let’s write your admission to UT and others.