Top 5 Medical Schools in the US...are you a good fit?

New YT video alert!! Want to know the top 5 medical schools in the nation right now? To learn their requirements, what makes them elite and what service opportunities you would have available, check out our video!

Video break down - Top Medical Schools (ARE THEY SO GREAT??)// Top medical schools are incredibly competitive to get into all over the world, but top medical schools in the US are a unique form of competition. No place assesses the top medical schools in the world and the top medical schools in Canada better than US News and World Report. In today’s video, we break down the top 5 medical schools in the US as well as the top 5 most diverse medical schools. Getting into top medical schools is particularly difficult; however, the best pre med schools have been preparing students for this very opportunity. In fact, another video we may cover soon is a break down on the best colleges for pre med. However, for today in reviewing the top 10 medical schools I realized that there’s so much we need to cover like best fit for students. Some students will feel more at home at the top osteopathic medical schools while the best medical schools could be the top Caribbean medical schools. Sometimes the best medical schools in the world won’t have the best clinical experience for you therefore the best medical schools are the ones that you have researched for best fit. And the absolute top med schools are the ones that accept you. If this is of interest comment below to share our take on the top 10 medical schools in the world. Also, stay tuned for a run down on the top 100 pre med schools and the top medical universities in the world from Write Your Acceptance.