College Essay Tutor Tips (HOW I GOT INTO GEORGETOWN!!!)

Today’s video is all about my students! I’m so lucky to have former student, Isa, share her experiences on working with me…as well as some wisdom on the college application journey.


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College Essay Tutor Tips (HOW I GOT INTO GEORGETOWN) // As a college essay tutor, my favorite thing to do is to check in on my students after their first year of college. We laugh about the stress of getting in and how they now wish the common app essay topics and coalition app essay were their biggest problem. We are always moving the goal post. Once we accomplish a goal like writing your best common app essay, you move on to the next thing and hardly have time to celebrate your win. However, in order to get there, to get into your dream college you need a rockin’ personal statement for college and the college essay tutor near me may not be the best bet. With a PhD in English, as a writing faculty at a research 1 institution and as the premiere college essay tutor online, I can expertly guide you to find not only the most productive college essay ideas, but also through expert college essay brainstorming and college essay editing, you’ll astound yourself with how incredible your story truly is. All you need is a tailored college essay outline for your college essay topics and just a small collection of key personal statement samples from Write Your Acceptance to know exactly how to navigate the college essay common app. As a college admission essay tutor, I take you from brainstorming to final draft so that you know precisely how to tackle the college essay prompts and especially the common app essay prompts. And with over 10 years of experience, I have choice common app essay examples with analysis to show you why certain students clean up with admissions. In this video, one of my former students, Isa, now a sophomore at Georgetown shares lessons learned and why working with Dr. Josie helped you achieve her dreams.